How Do You Know When Your Soul Speaks?

Today, I feel like sharing this wisdom from a group of energies from All-That-Is, called Sapphire, as channelled by Karen Taylor: 

Sapphire, you always say listen to your heartbeat then allow your true self, your soul, to speak. How do you know when your soul speaks and it is not just your thoughts?

Dear Ones, This day breaks shiny and new, a new sunrise unlike other sunrises; the texture, color, sounds of the day are distinctly different from the days that flowed before it. Yet perhaps you do not perceive its uniqueness, its beauty. You must take the time to really see this new day, this new set of circumstances, each of which is unique.

Often the day as it is set in motion, as you wake, is perceived as a continuance of all that has gone before. This is not true for this new moment has potential and possibilities that are separate and new from the past moment. So the recognizing takes time to perceive, to realize.

Now we answer the question that we have drawn a parallel of sorts. The soul is there each day, yet without taking the time to slow the mind from its wanderings, from its tendency to delve into the past, often we miss the now.

So listen to the heartbeat, a bodily function that is  purposely beating out the very breath of life, that goes unnoticed in most of your day. This practice draws you back to you, stilling the mind’s computations, then the soul, the higher self, can speak. Know this dear ones, when this connection occurs, there is a peace about this information, a knowing and a release, so to speak, of the chatter that often fills the mind.

If there is doubt, the soul has not spoken. If there is reproach, the soul has not brought this forth. If there is vengeance, retribution or even sadness, it comes from elsewhere.

So that soft bubble of gentleness, of acceptance, and of recognizing the first sunrise, the first day, this moment, that is the soul. The soul releases the past and opens all the possibilities and beauty of the now. These little moments of peace, when there is acceptance, when there is gratitude, this is the soul, this is the true you unmasked, unhindered. This is the you that is free.

Begin by acceptance. Perhaps you do not feel or hear the soul, accept it is here now, it is you. Feel the release of knowing this magnificent being, the you that is here in this moment, with a gift of quietness, simplicity, joy.

So begin by noticing the day, the sunrise and the sunset, everything in-between, then notice the you in this place of grandeur. Give yourself these moments where you accept you, you see potential in this very moment to create your experience, your emotion, your thoughts.

You were given a body that is a finely tuned instrument to hear, taste, feel, and see, so use it to be present in this moment. Pull yourself back into the now with your senses and allow the love of the universe to speak, for the soul does speak, it has more to say than will fit into this lifetime. Because the sunrise goes unnoticed does not mean it does not exist. It is there dear one, just take a moment to see it, to feel it, so too the soul speaks, it is there dear one, waiting to be heard.


The Power of Gratitude